Display your tweets like never before. Support for user timeline, user favorites, tweets by search and user lists. The Twitter Grid utilizes the official API provided by Twitter to display tweets in the grid.
To be able to display your tweets on your site by utilizing Twitter official API, you must register a Twitter App and generate your Consumer Key & Secret. Go to https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps to obtain the same.
Enter the Consumer Key and Secret in the Livemesh Addons -> Settings -> Social API as shown below –
Twitter Grid Features
- 3 beautiful skins for display of Twitter grid.
- Open images in lightbox and display tweets text in lightbox.
- Fully responsive with extensive customization options – decide what to display and how to display tweet elements.
- Load more via AJAX option.
- Built-in cache for tweets to avoid rate limiting of Twitter API.
- Display tweets from user timeline, user favorites, user lists or display tweets by a search term.
You can specify the source for the videos – a User Timeline, Search String, User Favorites and User List.
For example, for User Timeline, you just specify the user name to display the tweets for the user.
To display by search, you can specify a search string or a hashtag –
The Twitter Grid provides a large set of options for you to customize the tweet information displayed for each of the tweets in the grid. You can individually turn off and on the fields of the tweets. You can also control the built-in styles, the number of columns for the grid, specify masonry or fit rows layout, lightbox library to use for images etc.
Choose pagination type as Load More or choose None if no pagination is desired. You can enter the items per page value to control number of items to display per page.
Almost any information displayed as part of the Twitter Grid can be customized for typography, color etc. This is truly the best Twitter grid addon you can find for Elementor page builder.