Posts Grid Box Slider
This addon helps you build a slider of your blog posts or any custom post types.
Advanced Features for PRO Version
- 7 built-in styles to showcase your blog posts or any custom post type as a grid box slider. Many more styles under development.
- Never before customization options for slider arrow navigation. You can control the shape, placement, hover behavior and theme of the arrows.
- Touch Swipe, Drag, Arrows, and Dot based navigation of slides
Adventure, Nature
Nullam tincidunt adipiscing
By livemesh
September 22, 2017
Phasellus gravida semper nisi. Ut a nisl id ante tempus hendrerit. Cras id dui. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem.
Adventure, Uncategorized
Running is Magic
By livemesh
September 29, 2016
Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi. Vestibulum dapibus nunc ac augue. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras varius. Vestibulum dapibus nunc ac augue.